Creepy creature caught on camera walking around a backyard
A video of what looks like a creepy white figure walking around a backyard in Kentucky, US, has been shared on twitter and caused somewhat ...
A very creepy haunted doll weeps tears of acid and tries to set itself on fire
'Matt Paranormal' from Wrexham, Wales, UK, bought the horrific haunted doll, Annie, in an auction after reading about her history and the death of her ...
A body waves hand from inside the coffin as its being buried at a funeral
This story has been getting a lot of global attention today. Most funerals are sad events where a family member or friend is remembered and ...
The Ghost of La Llorona caught on camera in Columbia
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and new year? First story to share this year. The ghost of La Llorona, or the "The Weeping Woman", ...
Who is Momo?
Have you heard of 'Momo' ? Her appearance is damn right scary! She has two bulging eyes, pale skin, strange face and a very sinister ...
Mother catches creepy whispering during sons tantrum
When Ash Birdy's mother asked how her grandson was doing Ashy decided to filmed her toddler son during a tantrum to show her mother how ...
Live Footage of Paranormal Activity that will Intimidate You
Paranormal activity really isn't new. Some of the best dash cams and spy cameras have caught some disturbing footage over the years, so take these ...
Dear David shows himself in the haunted apartment
You may have heard of the guy Adam Ellis who started tweeting about his experiences of being haunted by a child ghost called Dear David. ...
9 of the creepiest places to visit around the world
The world is full of creepy and haunted places and with Halloween fast approaching maybe you are thinking of having a frightening vacation and spending ...
Ghost baby seen sleeping next to toddler in his cot on monitor
A mother from the UK says that these images from her baby monitor shows a ghost baby lying next to her own sleeping baby son ...