Did photographer capture a ghost on camera in an abandoned house?
A photographer going by the name of Freaktography blogged on Huffington Post Canada about the time he visited an old abandoned house in Ontario, Canada. ...
Clear footage of UFO over London
This is probably one of the clearest UFO videos I have seen in while. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KyBFtn3Mlw The footage was uploaded on to YouTube channel 'UFOs ...
A dark spirit moves a creepy doll in one the UK’s most haunted homes
Paranormal investigators were doing a practice live broadcast when they claim a doll was used by a poltergeist or demonic force to scare them. ...
UFO lights may be trying to communicate from the skies above Charlotte, North Carolina
Could these strange UFO lights be an attempt at communication? According to one YouTube commenter on this video it could well be. https://youtu.be/qxLEnqsUYS4 The ...
Fleet of UFO’s filmed during a Blood Moon
A dutch UFO hunter, out hunting UFO's during the blood moon (or Hunters Moon as its also known as) believes he has filmed several UFO's ...
Estate agent sets up camera in the office and captures paranormal activity
Every morning when staff arrived at their shop, a small property estate agents in Kent, UK, they found that cups had been left in odd ...
Creepy figure captured on a trail camera
A trail camera set up in a corn field in Hubertus, Wisconsin, US, has captured a very creepy figure walking along the edge of a ...
Ghost house appears in a nature photo
This looks just like a normal picturesque photo of a house on a foggy day, except that house you see does not exist! The photo ...
Mystery ball of light seen landing in Moscow
A mysterious bright ball of light has been filmed landing somewhere in Moscow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KplaIVBBGs The light is seen flying close to a block of ...
Is this a ghost shaking a washing line?
Before posting this I thought it may be a hoax but after watching and listening to the video a good few times I'm not too ...