Naked ghost caught on motion sensor camera
What looks like to be a ghost of a naked woman walking across a garden has been captured on a motion sensor camera. Reddit user ...
Town Councilor of Granada in Spain has photographed a ghost in his Town hall
The town councilor of Grenada in Spain is claiming he has photographed the girl ghost that haunts his town hall. He explained that he suddenly ...
Ghost enters room and drags man out of bed by his legs
A new 'ghost caught on CCTV' video has emerged which shows a ghost entering a room where two men are sleeping and then proceeds to ...
Family spot an American civil war maid on their hidden camera
Bill and Cheryl Welty wanted to keep an eye on their dog while they were away from home so they set up a hidden camera ...
Is this the ghost of Queen Elizabeth I?
Did Queen Elizabeth I make an appearance on camera at the stately home where she once secretly stayed 600 years ago? According to ghost hunter ...
A ghost plays a piano for paranormal investigators
A group of paranormal investigators have release a video which shows a piano playing a couple of notes by itself which they claim was a ...
A poltergeist opens a candle lantern door on a hotel bar
CCTV footage recorded at the Antrobus Hotel in Amesbury, Wiltshire, UK, appears to show a poltergeist opening a candle lantern door on the bar as ...
Irish Bigfoot is photographed walking through a haunted forest
A dog walker became freaked out when she spotted what looks like a Bigfoot creature in a photo she took while out walking her dog ...
Watch as a little girl is spooked by her doll moving on its own and papers flying off a table
Video footage of a little girl being spooked by ghostly events in a home has emerged and being shared online. The video which seems to ...
Group of youths film a ghost hanging around a graveyard
A group of youths driving past a cemetery believe they have captured a ghost lurking around a gravestone. The footage appears to show a ghostly ...