Silver UFO filmed flying over Leeds, UK
A silver metallic looking UFO has been filmed flying over the sky above Leeds, UK. It was filmed by a local resident. During the clip ...
A chinese man keeps a dead alien in his refrigerator
Yes I'm laughing too just from looking at the picture but I thought I would share anyway 😀 A Chinese man called Li has photographed ...
A haunted Mickey Mouse Doll
Haunted dolls seem to be becoming quite common lately, every other week or month there seems to someone from somewhere in the world telling a ...
Mummified alien found in Peru
What could be a mummified alien as been found in Peru. The mummy has three fingers on each hand, three finger like toes on each ...
Photographer captures strange UFO above Oshawa Canada
This is one of the strangest UFO photo's I have seen in a while. Ken Rice, a wildlife photographer from Oshawa, Canada, was out shooting ...
Possessed doll in Peru moves and talks even though batteries were removed
Residents in Cusco, south-eastern Peru have filmed what they say is a possessed doll, as the doll speaks, blinks and moves its head after the ...
Train passenger seen six UFO’s beaming light down to earth
A woman travelling by train through the Apache County in the Arizona desert says that she witnessed 'six hovering, two-story objects beaming light to the ...
Another floating city appears in the sky above China
Floating cities have been seen quite a few times recently, this latest sighting was seen above north central China in Wuzhong City with many believing ...
Remarkable footage of two UFO’s over Almelo in Holland
A video showing a white orb UFO and a dark triangular shaped UFO in the skies above Almelo, eastern Holland, was sent to the Dutch ...
Two videos show a UFO hovering over Tikal Park
Tourists visiting Tikal National Park in Guatemala have filmed a UFO hovering over the Tikal temple ruins. The UFO was captured on two different cameras ...