White orb filmed at the former Russian gulag on CCTV cameras
CCTV cameras at the former Russian gulag where thousands of Josef Stalin's victims died have recorded an orb floating through the corridor. The ball of ...
The Museum of Shadows
Do live in the Midwest, US, or visiting the area? Then checkout the Museum of Shadows Museum Of Shadows is the only known museum in ...
Woman takes a photo of a Black-Eyed child ghost. It then stalks her dreams.
A woman believes she is being stalked in her dreams by this Black-Eyed Child ghost which she photographed back in 2013 while on a ghost ...
Woman in black spirit photographed on stairs
A ghost hunting team known as Equinox Paranormal Research UK believe that they have photographed the ghost of the woman in black that is said ...
Does this video show a ghost using an exercise machine in a park in Cancun, Mexico?
Make of this what you will. A mother visiting a park with her children in Cancun, Mexico, shot this video when they witnessed an exercise ...
A haunted balloon mysteriously floats around a childrens hospital
An orange balloon has been floating around a children's hospital in Argentina spooking staff into believing that the hospital is haunted by the ghost of ...
Watch as a girl becomes possessed while on a video call to her friend
A girl in Mexico was making a video message call to her boyfriend while lying on her bed eating a biscuit/cookie when suddenly it seems ...
Woman captures ghostly figure in Dinwiddie bonfire photo
A group of adults and teens gathered together on Saturday night for a bonfire in Dinwiddie, Virginia, US. One of the group took several photos ...
Did a ghost take part in this group photo on a Halloween ghost hunt?
Did a ghost that haunts the abandoned Newsham Park Hospital and Orphanage in the UK make an appearance in this group photo? A Reddit user ...
Want to do some ghost hunting with celebs tonight?
Tonight is Halloween! The time of year when it is said that the worlds of the living and the dead come together. The time of ...