Ghost of a young boy spotted in a picture taken inside a haunted Teesside pub
Head doorman Reece Hugill of Manhattan's Pub in Stockton, Teesside, UK, was exploring the pub after a team of paranormal investigators had just taken a ...
Nothing much of interest
So here's the thing. Maybe I'm starting to lose interest or just becoming immune to all these paranormal stories, videos and TV shows. I'm finding ...
A poltergeist is filmed on CCTV running rampant through the corridor of a school in Ireland
This is good footage if indeed its real. A CCTV camera set up in Deerpark CBS, which is the oldest school in Cork, Ireland, has ...
Shop owner shares photos from inside his sweet shop to prove that it is haunted
A shop owner who is convinced that his sweet shop is haunted has taken shots from his security camera and shared them to prove that ...
Is this a ghost?
Is this a ghost? A photographer took an innocent photo of a mother and daughter in the Guisachan Heritage Park in Kelowna, Canada. However they ...
The guy who tweeted his horror story of being haunted by a child ghost called ‘Dear David’ shares videos of objects moving on their own at his apartment
Last month you may remember my post about a guy called Adam Ellis who goes by the name of @Mobydickhead on Twitter who tweeted his ...
A woman captures a ghost walking behind her dogs in her home
The Chris Moyles Show is a popular radio breakfast show here in the UK hosted by Chris Moyles and his team on Radio X. Every ...
Sightseer photographs a ghost while on a tour of Pentridge Prison
A visitor to the Pentridge Prison on Melbourne, Australia, believe that they have captured a ghost while on a tour of the prison. Jodie Bezzina ...
Amazing footage of a ghost opening a window in a haunted cottage
If this footage is genuine then it has to be up there with one of the best ghosts caught on camera footage ever recorded. Andrew ...
Guy tweets real life horror ghost story and its rather scary!
Adam Ellis who goes by the name of @MobyDickhead on Twitter starting tweeting about his real life ghost story this week. A ghost child called ...