Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

New Map Shows UFO Sightings from Around the World from 1933 to Today

A blogger on data analysis website Quantbait, Levi Pearson,  created a map using data from the National UFO Reporting Center and map making software CartoDB. The first reported UFO sightings were seen over the skies of California and Nebraska in the US, the UK and France, over Europe and locations in …

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Mystery Radio Waves From Space Could Be Aliens!

Mysterious radio waves from outer space that bear remarkable mathematical patterns have got scientists scratching their heads.  Some are convinced that these waves are being produced by intelligent extraterrestrial life. According to radio astronomers, the ‘fast radio bursts’ have been picked up since 2001, and follow a mathematical pattern, causing …

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Another Ghost spotted at Hampton Court Palace

So not so long ago the Grey Lady was said to have been caught on an iPhone camera at Hampton Court, now we have a ghost of a child caught on an iPhone camera in the stately home. The photo was taken by a Sunday Express reporter during a sleepover …

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Woman Being Haunted By Her Dead Brother

Donna Ayres believes she is being terrorised by her dead brother and has caught evidence on her mobile phone camera. The video shows a cup seemingly moving on its own and lights swinging in its own accord. Apparently she has had to move house 5 times to escape the disturbances …

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UFO Caught On Camera Over Arizona

A new UFO video has appeared recently which shows something strange flying over Arizona. The man who filmed the object may have been using his daughter to help steady the camera or maybe his daughter was actually filming the object hence why the video is very shaky in parts. It …

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Grey Lady Ghost Captured on Schoolgirls iPhone

A schoolgirl visiting Hampton Court believes she has captured the famous Grey Lady ghost in her photograph while she was taking photos of her cousin. The spooky image shows what looks like a very tall woman with flowing dark hair and wearing a black gown.  But in the next image …

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Toddler Pushed Over By Unseen Force

Yes its been a while since my last post on this blog.  Over 2 years in fact, wow! it’s really been that long?!   My intentions of updating regularly didn’t go to plan, as you can probably tell.  But I’m back to get things back on track.  There seems to …

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Cuppa Loving Ghost Scares Family Out Of Home

A poltergeist which likes making a cup of tea has driven a family out of their home. Rosaleen and George Doherty have told how they were driven out of their home in fear after the ghost repeatedly switched on the kettle and shook the cups on the cup stand. Rosaleen, …

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Terrifying ‘Ghost In Elevator’ Prank

Did this prank go too far?  How no-one had a heart attack is amazing. This must be the most terrifying TV prank ever, by the Brazilian Silvio Santos Program.  Alone in a dark lift with no power is unsettling experience for anyone. But things get creepy when a ghost girl …

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Beryl The Ghost Caught On Pub CCTV Camera

The Manchester Arms owners Lisa and Mark Fowler have caught on their CCTV camera what they believe to be the ghost of Beryl who haunts there pub.  The spirit is said to make lights flicker, turn off machines, plays with peoples hair and even causes floods. Lisa and Mark took …

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