Toddler Pushed Over By Unseen Force

Yes its been a while since my last post on this blog.  Over 2 years in fact, wow! it’s really been that long?!   My intentions of updating regularly didn’t go to plan, as you can probably tell.  But I’m back to get things back on track.  There seems to have been quite a lot of paranormal news showing up in the media lately. This one story I came across the other day.

This video shows a little girl seemingly being pushed or pulled over by an unseen force while playing peek-a-boo with her parents.

Her parents were filming her while they were playing peek-a-boo as she was standing in front of the TV, but then she suddenly falls to the floor which looks like she was pushed or a pulled over.

Her father said “She is very sturdy on her feet and is a very confident walker and a happy funny baby.

We were watching TV and there was no way she could go back like that.

We were filming her as a bit of a memento because she was doing peek-a-boo and she thought we couldn’t see her when she covered her eyes.

She just went shooting back. Her arms went out to the side and she went back, as if she has been pushed or pulled.

Then she said “naughty boy” like she usually says when she is telling off the cat if it nips her or something.

When we looked at the film it really freaked us out – it doesn’t look at all like she is just falling”.

He added: “When you hear creaks as the house is settling down we are thinking about it more and I keep looking at everything twice.

We can’t walk past an empty room without taking a look in now”.

Take a look at the video, what do think?  Did she fall back or was she forced back?



About Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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