Girl in Peru says that she got abducted by 7ft Alien gang with green eyes
A girl from Peru has revealed terrifying details after witnesses said she was abducted by a gang of 7ft aliens. Residents of a Peruvian village, known as the ...
Alien Bodies Presented in Mexican Congress
Two alleged alien beings, preserved as fossils, made a sensational appearance before politicians in a first public congressional hearing on the topic of UFO's. The ...
Mummified alien found in Peru
What could be a mummified alien as been found in Peru. The mummy has three fingers on each hand, three finger like toes on each ...
Possessed doll in Peru moves and talks even though batteries were removed
Residents in Cusco, south-eastern Peru have filmed what they say is a possessed doll, as the doll speaks, blinks and moves its head after the ...
Priests performs FIVE hour exorcism on ‘possessed’ teens after summoning evil ghost
Haunting footage of three girls “possessed by demons” screaming on the floor of a church has emerged. In the bizarre clip, the ...
A blue alien is seen walking the streets in Peru
During the early hours of Monday 22nd August a strange-looking creature, glowing blue, with several legs and less than a meter in height was seen ...
5 UFO’s were seen flying over Lima in Peru
A fleet of 5 UFO's were seen flying over Lima in Peru on Monday night. The strange lights in the sky were filmed by multiple ...