Did aliens visit Kaikoura in New Zealand?
Debbie Smith, a resident in Kaikoura, New Zealand, took a photo of this landscape to help her with an oil painting. Later when she was ...
Ghostly face of an old man appears on wall
Do you see the face in this photo? An Imgur user took a photo of a wall at his home after his girlfriend said she ...
Detroit – One of Americas spookiest cities
In almost every corner of the world there are reports, stories and sightings of ghosts and mythical creatures which are said to spook or terrorize ...
Couple are photobombed by a cross-dressing ghost at a restaurant
A couple visiting New Orleans took a selfie while they were dining at a restaurant but when they got home and looked through their photos ...
Strange vortex opens up in the sky above Geneva
Is this real or fake? If its real then its very bizarre! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNjhsUulNH4 There isn't much info to find on this video other than ...
Could these ghostly whispers at Kielder Castle be one of the best disembodied voices ever recorded.
Could this be one of the best disembodied voices ever recorded? There is a nightly radio phone in chat radio show here in the North ...
Sleep Paralysis – The Nightmare
I know this is not technically "paranormal" but for those that suffer from sleep paralysis can easily think something paranormal is happening to them at ...
The ghost of Cannock Chase is caught on camera
A ghost hunter, Tom Buckmaster, believes that he has caught on camera the most convincing evidence yet of the so-called Black-Eyed Girl of Cannock Chase ...
Most haunted house in Ireland part 2 – New video, still fake!
Do you remember not so long ago when I posted a video which apparently showed a poltergeist raging terror around a kitchen at a home ...
Ghost of child living in an old wardrobe spooks antique shop staff
A wardrobe which is said to be haunted by the ghost of a child has been terrorising staff at an antique shop. The Olden Ewe ...