Spooky face looking out of car window
A guy who had just recently bought himself a new car was visiting a restaurant with friends and decided to take a photo of his ...
A family record their possessed maid on CCTV
A family living in Singapore have apparently been horrified after witnessing their maid being possessed on their home CCTV cameras. Nurul Baker was checking back ...
Alien trumpet noises are heard over Nottingham, UK
There have been many reports of alien trumpet sounds coming down from the skies all around the world for a while now. I posted an ...
The ghost of an RAF pilot is filmed at an abandoned airbase
Manby Hall in Lincolnshire, UK, was once a key RAF base during world war two and is rumoured to be haunted by a second world ...
Girl teleports into school hallway
A video that shows a young guy dancing along a school hallway has got many people confused as it seems to show a girl suddenly ...
Does a ghost jump down the well?
A camera that is set up on a large countryside estate has captured what many people believe is a ghost jumping down a well. The ...
Crashed saucer spotted on the moon
UFO experts have been scouring through images that were taken by a probe orbiting the moon in the hope of finding evidence that points to ...
Very creepy footage shows a poltergeist repeatedly slamming a door.
This poltergeist footage is quite possible one of the creepiest seen for a long time. The footage was filmed by a security guard in a ...
Young boy is attacked by a ghost while walking through a forest
A video has been posted on the Scary Videos YouTube channel that they claim appears to show a young boy attacked by a ghost as ...
Baby watches orb float around the room
A mother believes her nine month old baby can see the ghost of a dead family friend. Jessica Lewis was filming her daughter Nylah when ...