Fleet of UFOs spotted flying over California
A fleet of UFOs flying in formation were caught on camera flying over California on January 11th. The witness who spotted them on the camera ...
Watch as a large ghost orb is seen rising from the bed as women is sleeping
A woman from Manchester, UK, has recorded on CCTV, spirit orbs floating around her bedroom and a large one rising from her bed while she ...
UFO’s filmed flying over Canada
Two mysterious sets of lights have been filmed flying over British Columbia, Canada. The guy who filmed the UFO's said that objects were completely silent ...
UFO deploying smaller ufo’s is filmed over USA
A video has recently emerged showing a strange bright orb type UFO hovering over a town. What's even stranger is that it deploys five smaller ...
Auckland couple capture a UFO on camera that has been flying above their home for a year
Lance and Patricia Rasmussen from Auckland, New Zealand, have been seeing UFO's hovering above their home for the past year, so they set up security ...
Baby watches orb float around the room
A mother believes her nine month old baby can see the ghost of a dead family friend. Jessica Lewis was filming her daughter Nylah when ...
White orb filmed at the former Russian gulag on CCTV cameras
CCTV cameras at the former Russian gulag where thousands of Josef Stalin's victims died have recorded an orb floating through the corridor. The ball of ...
Haunted house goes on sale with orbs appearing in estate agent photo’s
One of Britain's most haunted houses known as 'The Cage' has gone on sale with photo's that show spirit orbs of what may be haunting ...
Watch as a ghost heads towards camera and scares women in her kitchen
It's a kitchen again. I keep saying it. Ghosts love kitchens. If you ever want to capture a ghost on film then shoot a video ...
Fleet of UFO’s filmed during a Blood Moon
A dutch UFO hunter, out hunting UFO's during the blood moon (or Hunters Moon as its also known as) believes he has filmed several UFO's ...