Ghost hunters capture the She-wolf ghost Queen
Ghost hunter Andy Radley, leader of the Essex Ghost Hunting Team believes that he was photographed Queen Isabella, also known as the She-wolf of France ...
The most haunted house in Britain opens it’s doors
I've heard and read a good few things about this house in Hull, UK ,recently. The house has been dubbed Britain's most haunted house and ...
Ghost is photographed at Torquay Museum
Paranormal experts investigating the Egyptian room at Torquay Museum believe they have photographed a ghost of a veiled woman. Five members of Silent Voices paranormal ...
Ghost hunters capture paranormal activity at the Clay County Historical Museum
A team of ghost hunters have captured on camera what looks like paranormal activity at the Clay County Historical Museum in Kansas USA. The Northland ...
Are these the legs of a ghost child at a Lancashire pub?
Landlords of the Craven Heifer pub in Lancashire UK were shocked when they noticed this pair of ghostly legs in the photograph they had taken of their ...
Parapyschologists prove a home is haunted
A man living in Bothell, Washington, who is convinced his home is haunted by poltergeists who throw over furniture, set fire to bibles and throw ...
Couple are photobombed by a cross-dressing ghost at a restaurant
A couple visiting New Orleans took a selfie while they were dining at a restaurant but when they got home and looked through their photos ...
The ghost of Cannock Chase is caught on camera
A ghost hunter, Tom Buckmaster, believes that he has caught on camera the most convincing evidence yet of the so-called Black-Eyed Girl of Cannock Chase ...
Most haunted house in Ireland part 2 – New video, still fake!
Do you remember not so long ago when I posted a video which apparently showed a poltergeist raging terror around a kitchen at a home ...
Ghost of child living in an old wardrobe spooks antique shop staff
A wardrobe which is said to be haunted by the ghost of a child has been terrorising staff at an antique shop. The Olden Ewe ...