Man spots mysterious figure stalking him after looking through old photos
ONE man's holiday snaps from years past may have revealed something truly terrifying. Selfies taken a moment apart show a tourist photographing his reflection on ...
Spooky footage shows a dead womans spirit leaving her body
This eerie footage shows what appears to be a woman's spirit leaving her body after she died in a China hospital. The woman has a white ...
Watch as a Poltergeist throws a cup and plate towards investigator and house owner
If this is not fake then it is some very good footage of a poltergeist at work. Ian Hawke claims he is being haunted by ...
Dulce residents claim UFO’s and Bigfoot have been spotted in their area
When most people think UFOs and the unexplained in the state they turn to Roswell, but residents of a tiny town in northern New Mexico ...
Spooky figure photobombs selfie
You get some very interesting things posted on Reddit every now and again and this is one of those more intriguing posts. A Reddit user ...
UFO hovers over house in Scotland
A UFO has been filmed hovering over a house in Scotland. The footage was shot by a teenager and his dad after they spotted the ...
Missing man claims a UFO took him to Durham
Its been a long while since I last posted here. Busy times lately but hopefully I can get back into posting regularly again. This story ...
There is something spooky about this photo of linen mill girls taken in 1900
This photograph taken in 1900 of linen mill girls in Belfast, Ireland, seems innocent enough at first glance, but take a longer look and you ...
A New Zealand news team track a UFO on a flight tracker app and a weather cam
A New Zealand Breakfast news team have captured a UFO on one of their weather cams and also tracked it on a flight tracker app. ...
Ghost hunters capture the She-wolf ghost Queen
Ghost hunter Andy Radley, leader of the Essex Ghost Hunting Team believes that he was photographed Queen Isabella, also known as the She-wolf of France ...