Ghost captured on CCTV at family home
A family who believe they captured a ghost of CCTV say that its proof that their home is haunted. The location of the home is ...
Things to Consider When Getting Into a Ghost Hunt
Ghost hunting can be a lot of fun, but it also depends on how prepared you are. To wit, here are a few things you ...
Mother catches creepy whispering during sons tantrum
When Ash Birdy's mother asked how her grandson was doing Ashy decided to filmed her toddler son during a tantrum to show her mother how ...
Paranormal activity captured on live Facebook broadcast
Is this paranormal or someone playing a prank? Two young sisters were broadcasting live over Facebook from their bedroom when suddenly something strange happens. As ...
Live Footage of Paranormal Activity that will Intimidate You
Paranormal activity really isn't new. Some of the best dash cams and spy cameras have caught some disturbing footage over the years, so take these ...
Watch as a large ghost orb is seen rising from the bed as women is sleeping
A woman from Manchester, UK, has recorded on CCTV, spirit orbs floating around her bedroom and a large one rising from her bed while she ...
The ghost of the last man hanged in Cornwall has been caught on camera
A ghost has been caught on camera which is believed to be the apparition of William Hampton who was the last man to be hanged ...
The ghost of Stan Laurel is photographed by paranormal investigator
A paranormal investigator says he had a conversation with comedy legend Stan Laurel while he was investigating the derelict Kings Cinema in Bishop Auckland, UK, ...
Ghost Hunters record eerie voices in church near childrens graves
A paranormal investigation team have recorded eerie voices at a haunted church in Cambridge, UK, that is said to be built over unmarked graves of ...
Does this video show a ghost throwing cushions in the garden
Its been a while since my last post. It's that time of year for parties, gatherings and get togethers and hangovers! that there hasn't been that ...