Watch as a girl becomes possessed while on a video call to her friend
A girl in Mexico was making a video message call to her boyfriend while lying on her bed eating a biscuit/cookie when suddenly it seems ...
Mysterious cases of Time Slips
Have you ever experienced or know of anyone who has briefly jumped in time or slipped into a different period in time? Known as a ...
Strange lights appear in the sky during massive earthquake in Wellington
Residents of Wellington, New Zealand, witnessed strange flashes of light lighting up the sky above Wellington during the recent massive 7.5 magnitude earthquake. YouTube user ...
A strange cloud formation and trumpet sounds over Jerusalem.
We've all heard about them and watched numerous videos which show strange trumpet sounds heard from all corners of the globe during the past few ...
A UFO or drone over Ottawa Canada?
Just a quick post on this one. I'll leave it up to you to decide on what you think it is. This video was shot ...
Family talk to dead relative using an Amazon Fire TV Stick
Who knew that if you wanted to contact dead relatives all you need is an Amazon Fire TV stick! A US family are claiming that ...
Ghost attacks two women at the Old Ropery in Hull
Ghost hunting teams from Hull and Pontefract visited the haunted Old Ropery building in Hull, UK, this weekend. During their investigation two women were scratched ...
A house that’s so terrifying it was legally declared haunted by New York state
There’s a house that sits right on the Hudson River in the small village of Nyack that actually has legal proof that it’s haunted. Yes, ...
5 Creepy Freaky Unexplained Mysteries!
So as we are nearing the time of Halloween when creepy and spooky stories get shared, thought I would share five of the creepiest and ...
Someone or something took control over Voyager 2 and sent data back to earth in an unknown language
Nasa have revealed that in 2010 as Voyager 2 left our solar system and entered interstellar space the probe started to send communications back to ...