Most haunted house in Ireland?….. Nice try!!
So earlier today while browsing Facebook I spotted a video which someone had shared. The video was entitled 'Most haunted house in ireland'. The video ...
A Most Haunted House
So I have just recently finished reading this kindle book, it didn't take long, maybe a few hours over a few nights but I would ...
Chair moving on its own maybe proof that house is haunted.
This is actually very local to me. A man from Gateshead, UK, who wishes to remain anonymous, suspected that his house was haunted so he ...
House Goes On Sale With Warning of Paranormal Activity
A house has apparently gone up for sale in Liverpool UK, with a warning attached that it is haunted by a 135 year old poltergeist. ...
Woman Being Haunted By Her Dead Brother
Donna Ayres believes she is being terrorised by her dead brother and has caught evidence on her mobile phone camera. The video shows a cup ...
Toddler Pushed Over By Unseen Force
Yes its been a while since my last post on this blog. Over 2 years in fact, wow! it's really been that long?! My ...