A swimmer, alone in a pool, feels someone tug on her legs and sees mystery legs on video
This is a spooky moment a pair of 'ghost legs' were seen standing behind a woman as she dived in a swimming pool. ...
Haunted The Truth
If you are looking for some new paranormal entertainment then check out Haunted The Truth YouTube Channel Haunted The Truth are a non profit paranormal ...
Ghost moves chair while piano is being played
Paravent, a paranormal event group, recently shared a video on their Facebook group page which shows a spooky incident where a chair in the room ...
Security guard hears a child’s voice then spots something on CCTV
This chilling CCTV shows the “ ghost of a child” caught moving in and out of a door in a school after a security guard ...
Ghost seen in the window of Lauriston Castle – Edinburgh
Eyebrows have been raised at Lauriston Castle after a man shared a photo of a mysterious figure standing in one of the windows - when ...
The Ghost of La Llorona caught on camera in Columbia
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and new year? First story to share this year. The ghost of La Llorona, or the "The Weeping Woman", ...
Dog spots shadow figure in doorway
Just a quick post tonight This video was recently shared on Facebook and has generated a lot of interest and over five thousand comments as ...
TV Show Ghost Nation captured apparition of legs walking across stairs
If you have been watching and keeping up to date with new TV show Ghost Nation on Travel Channel then you have more than like ...
I saw my father’s spirit leave his body
I saw my father’s spirit leave his body when he passed away. Yea, I know. Sounds a little strange. But I really did. My father ...
Ghost of a child is filmed at an English Pub
A security camera in the Lamb and Lion pub in York, England, has filmed what many believe to be a ghost of a child. The ...