Nasa have revealed that in 2010 as Voyager 2 left our solar system and entered interstellar space the probe started to send communications back to earth in an unknown language which was incomprehensible to NASA scientists prompting experts to believe that an alien race could have taken control of the …
Priests performs FIVE hour exorcism on ‘possessed’ teens after summoning evil ghost
Haunting footage of three girls “possessed by demons” screaming on the floor of a church has emerged. In the bizarre clip, the teenagers can be seen convulsing after they summoned an evil ghost during the Charlie Charlie challenge. Desperately trying to save the girls’ souls, a clergy started a …
Read More »Man spots mysterious figure stalking him after looking through old photos
ONE man’s holiday snaps from years past may have revealed something truly terrifying. Selfies taken a moment apart show a tourist photographing his reflection on arrival at an airport. The first shows him and his camera, reflected in the black glass surface, but the second reveals an unexpected visitor. Walking …
Read More »Are there demons living upstairs?
Do you have noisy neighbours? How well do you know them? Could they be Satan worshipers or could they even be an actual demon? Spare a thought for this guy who’s neighbour makes the most weird and quite frankly very f*****g scary noises throughout the night. The video was uploaded …
Read More »Something weird is caught on a security camera in Turkey
Something weird and unexplained as been caught on a security camera in Turkey. What is it? its hard to say! It looks like a small figure that walks about then floats up into the air to disappear from then screen then it slowly floats back down to carry on walking …
Read More »Weird teleportation caught on camera
A weird video clip entitled ‘Creepiest Teleportation Caught on Tape on the Road’ was recently posted onto Strange Videos YouTube page. It is shot from a dashcam following a truck. The truck seems to suddenly brake and swerve for no reason until you see a person seemingly appear out from …
Read More »Black Knight Decoded
Pepsi (yes the drink company) have created a short film about the Black Knight Satellite. Called “Black Knight Decoded”, the film follows the journey of a father and daughter on their quest to decoded the mystery signals from the Black Knight Satellite. Relying on support from communities around the world, …
Read More »Have aliens carved their faces into cliffs on Mars?
NASA continues to release incredible images from the Mars curiosity Rover. With every photo released, UFO and alien hunters seem to spot something strange on mars, from iguanas to bones of dinosaurs, most can be explained and put down to the way light is shining on rocks etc. However, these …
Read More »Warning! Do NOT watch this video. You may die if you do.
A mysterious creepy video has appeared on YouTube which claims that some people who have watched it full have died afterwards. No-one knows who created it or where it came from which makes it even more mysterious. The video is black and white and features a spooky masked person wearing …
Read More »Strange vortex opens up in the sky above Geneva
Is this real or fake? If its real then its very bizarre! There isn’t much info to find on this video other than it was filmed in Geneva, Switzerland, over the CERN Area (European Organisation for Nuclear Research). Could this be some experiment taking place in the Large Hadron Collider …
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