Two videos show a UFO hovering over Tikal Park
Tourists visiting Tikal National Park in Guatemala have filmed a UFO hovering over the Tikal temple ruins. The UFO was captured on two different cameras ...
Mother films ghost of her son from a past life
A mother from the West Midlands, UK, claims that she has filmed the ghost of her 'son from a past life' walking past her TV ...
UFO’s filmed flying over Canada
Two mysterious sets of lights have been filmed flying over British Columbia, Canada. The guy who filmed the UFO's said that objects were completely silent ...
Strange footage shows the ghost of a child leaping from flooded street
This footage is supposed to show the soul of a child leaping from raging flood waters through the city of Barranquilla, Columbia. The clip shows ...
A birthday party with a poltergeist
This is an old poltergeist video, it looks like it first appeared back in 2011, you may have already seen it, however I have only ...
Artist says he lost his virginity to an alien called Crescent
This is quite an 'out there' story, make of it what you will.. Artist David Higgins says that he lost his virginity to a busty ...
Mysterious photo of a young girl in the woods. Is it a ghost?
This mysterious photo of a young girl was taken by a trail cam in the woods around Cambridge, New York, US. It has been shared ...
Triangle UFO filmed flying over the UK
A triangle UFO has recently been filmed flying over Exmouth, UK The person who shot the footage said that they were outside talking on their ...
New Book – Wild & Wonderful (and Paranormal) West Virginia
For anyone interested, I have a new book out called Wild & Wonderful (and Paranormal) West Virginia. It is available in both Paperback and Kindle ...
Did Most Haunted capture a ghost on camera?
Aah Most Haunted, the TV show that started off in the UK back in 2002. It was probably one of the very first ghost hunting ...