UFO causes power black outs over Buckingham Park, UK

On Thursday 5th January, a number of reports were made of a strange bright circular object hovering over the skies of Buckingham Park, UK, which caused power cuts as it flew off over the horizon.

One resident from the area said “We were lying in bed and this extremely bright light lit up the room. We assumed it was a star because it was a clear night but it was so bright.

“Then it slowly rose up and suddenly shot over the top of our house and you could hear an aircraft like noise but it was too fast to be a plane.

“As it passed over the power in our house dropped and came back. It really freaked us out. Then about 45 minutes later we heard the same sound and the power dropped again briefly and came back. We took a picture but didn’t have time to do a video as it suddenly shot off.”

Another resident contact his local newspaper to say “I was sat watching telly with the blinds closed but one of them was sort of lit up, as if someone was shining a torch on it. I looked out and saw this really bright light and then it suddenly shot across the top of the house and as it did all the lights went down and came back on.

“The lights went down a few more times in the next hour too, I’m no conspiracy theorist but it was really bizarre.”

There have been no video clips emerged yet of the incident, maybe there will be soon.  The only photo available the one in this post.

Do you live in the Buckingham Park area and see anything?  It would be great to hear of more witness reports.

It reminds me of the Close Encounters movie.


About Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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