Is it time for Ghost Adventures to end?
A few weeks ago I watched a special episode of Ghost Adventures that I hadn't seen before. Ghost Adventures: Devil's Den. The GA crew are ...
Stills released from the footage of that UFO over Stonehenge
The Stonehenge worker who claims to have proof of a shape-shifting UFO flying over the ancient site has shared an update on TikTok showing stills ...
A new UFO Tracking App
Enigma Labs is bringing a UFO tracking app to phones in order to make it easier to report sightings and remove the stigma of admitting ...
Ghost hunters say they have found the best proof yet of life after death
A team of devoted ghost hunters from Retford believe they've found their "best evidence yet" of life beyond the grave. Rachel Parsons, the head investigator and managing ...
Irish ghost hunters snap photo of a ghost at a haunted house in Co Carlow – Ireland
Irish people have been left baffled after ghosthunters spotted a mysterious figure at a Georgian house built almost 300 years ago. Paranormal Supernatural Investigation Ireland ...
UFO spotted above erupting volcano in Mexico
A stunned healthcare worker has shared an image of an erupting volcano with what appears to be a UFO hovering above it. Karla Garcia’s boyfriend Luis Guerra ...
The Phoenix Incident review
Scored 7/10 by MegaFlix Film Awards The 2016 debut feature film of renowned video game director Keith Arem is currently enjoying a second tour of the ...
Conspiracy theorists say the ‘Madonna and Child’ painting is proof of ancient aliens
Eagle-eyed conspiracy theorists claim that a nativity painting called 'Madonna and Child with the Infant St John' features 'proof of aliens'. The painting, which is thought to date back to ...
Man sees ghost of a nurse outside his home
A forklift truck driver was forced to sleep with the light on after he captured footage of 'the ghost of nurse' standing outside his home ...
Ghost child’s face snapped in photo at a Fort Horsted
A team of spirit seekers from Hunter Tours, a paranormal investigation group took a group of ghost enthusiasts into tunnels underground. They only had torches ...