House abandoned by its owners because they hear screaming from the basement
There is a house in a Welsh town at the centre of a mystery which has seen its owners fleeing the country in utter terror. ...
The spirit of child consoles his mother at his funeral
This story is from a few years ago but I have only just heard about it recently. A video shared on Facebook from the Philippines ...
A little interview with Amy Bruni, Co-host of Kindred Spirits on Travel Channel
If you're a paranormal TV show fan then no doubt you will know Amy Bruni who is co-host of the TV show 'Kindred Spirits' on ...
Ghosthunters capture an unexplained shadow in Norfolk theatre
Captured by ‘Ghosthunters’ in Great Yarmouth, footage shows bizarre shadows moving behind a pair of doors in the closed theatre. The video was uploaded to ...
Paranormal TV shows to watch on National Paranormal Day
So if you didn't know, today the 3rd May is National Paranormal day. A time to celebrate all things paranormal. How will you be celebrating? ...
Ghost of children wearing white socks were spotted at the Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana
A couple staying in one of 'America's most haunted houses' got more than they bargained for when they filmed a trio of 'ghosts' feet' walking ...
Most Haunted Buildings in North Wales
North Wales. A land of scenic beauty, rugged coastline and picturesque countryside. This is what people generally think of when they think of North Wales. ...
7 tips for ghost walks and haunted tours.
History is vital to our existence as human beings. So it does not really come as a surprise that we are taking adequate steps to ...
Parents are convinced their baby was scratched by a ghost
Even if you're not a believer in paranormal activity or the afterlife, there's a good chance you'll want to know more about these parents who ...
Korean ghost hunter captures EVP’s
I was recently sent this video from one of Paranormal Globe visitors. The video was recorded by a Korean ghost hunter and is said to ...