Is this a ghost?
Is this a ghost? A photographer took an innocent photo of a mother and daughter in the Guisachan Heritage Park in Kelowna, Canada. However they ...
A UFO is captured in night vision flying silently through a forest in Canada
UFO hunters Rob Freeman and Marcus McNabb went hunting for UFO'S around Squamish, British Columbia, Canada, and caught a bright orb floating silently through the ...
Photographer captures strange UFO above Oshawa Canada
This is one of the strangest UFO photo's I have seen in a while. Ken Rice, a wildlife photographer from Oshawa, Canada, was out shooting ...
UFO’s filmed flying over Canada
Two mysterious sets of lights have been filmed flying over British Columbia, Canada. The guy who filmed the UFO's said that objects were completely silent ...
UFO spotted over Random Island
A Canadian man has photographed what looks like a UFO over Random Island in Clarenville, Newfoundland, Canada. Chad Haines said he had never believed in ...
A UFO or drone over Ottawa Canada?
Just a quick post on this one. I'll leave it up to you to decide on what you think it is. This video was shot ...
Did photographer capture a ghost on camera in an abandoned house?
A photographer going by the name of Freaktography blogged on Huffington Post Canada about the time he visited an old abandoned house in Ontario, Canada. ...
UFO’s filmed disappearing into clouds over Ontario, Canada
This video was recently posted onto V-FOR-VICTORY's YouTube channel. Apparently, according the video description, 4 UFO's can be seen disappearing into the clouds. V-FOR-VICTORY posted ...