UFO spotted over Random Island

A Canadian man has photographed what looks like a UFO over Random Island in Clarenville, Newfoundland, Canada.

Chad Haines said he had never believed in UFO’s or aliens but after witnessing the strange flying craft near his home back in February 2016 he can’t explained as to what else it could have been.

He was deleting some old images off his camera a few days before Christmas to make space for Christmas morning when he stumbled across the photos he had taken that night of February 23rd 2016 from his home looking across towards Random Island.

Reviewing the photos again he still couldn’t think of any explanation as to what he saw in the sky that night.

Chad said “It was out there for two or three hours”

He explained that the craft stayed in the same spot before it moved up and down and quickly shot off out of sight.

He believes it wasn’t a plane and it was far too big to be a drone.

“I couldn’t believe it” he said


There have been many UFO sightings around Random Island over the years, even the old-timers Hockey team call themselves the Clarenville UFO’s.

What do you think?




About Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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