More Ancient Alien artifacts are discovered in a Mexican cave.
Last year we heard about some ancient alien artifacts that had been discovered in a cave in Mexico (you can read about that here) and ...
Security guard spots UFO flying near a remote train station
A security guard working at a remote train station on the border between China and Russia, spotted and recorded on CCTV a strange orb like ...
A mysterious bright light appears in the night sky over a Columbian town
Footage has emerged that shows a huge bright ball of light shining through the clouds of the night sky over Ocana, Columbia. Some residents of ...
Russian man from Mars says the Great Sphinx of Giza can be unlocked using a mechanism behind its ear
Not so much a paranormal story but its a strange one. A Russian man claims he was born and lived on Mars in a previous ...
Police in Argentina take photo of an alien in a park
Make of this what you will. Police in Argentina have taken a photo of what they say is an alien wandering around a park. The ...
Treasure hunters stumble upon stone carvings in a cave which could prove Mayan alien contact
Could these stone carvings discovered in a complex cave system in Mexico prove that the Mayans were in contact with Extraterrestrials? A group of treasure ...
A ball shaped UFO being checked out by a helicopter is captured on video
This round metallic ball-shaped UFO was spotted hovering in the sky above Los Angeles, California, on August 28. Julian Lopez filmed the whole incident and ...
Multiple UFO’s seen flying in the skies above Santa Monica
What could these strange bright orbs be that were seen flying in the sky above Santa Monica, Venice, Los Angeles? Greg Ernstrom spotted the objects ...
A UFO is captured in night vision flying silently through a forest in Canada
UFO hunters Rob Freeman and Marcus McNabb went hunting for UFO'S around Squamish, British Columbia, Canada, and caught a bright orb floating silently through the ...