Loch Ness Monster may live in a parallel universe
The search for the Loch Ness Monster has gone on for decades with the true identity of the legendary beast as much a mystery of how it ...
Have you seen this man?
Most people enjoy going to bed and being able to get a good night’s sleep. While others dread the very thought, as they often have ...
Expedition Bigfoot returns on Sunday, March 20
A year after devastating wildfires forced the team to evacuate the Olympic Peninsula, just as they unearthed fascinating new evidence, acclaimed primatologist Dr. Mireya Mayor ...
Strange unexplained image in the mirror
I was recently contacted by someone who had a strange experience with their bathroom mirror. A local glass company couldn't give any answers as to ...
Mysterious Adventures Tours Takes Curious Explorers to the Most Supernatural Places in the World
Wish to experience the thrill of Halloween on a get-away vacation? It’s all possible now with a new phenomenon that has just emerged in the ...
Hacked NASA Mars rover beamed alien signal back to Mayan temple – Witness claims
In an exclusive interview with ZWT Jameson a witness has exposed a potential First Contact event linked to NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity. Anna, an archivist ...
What is the Skinwalker Ranch?
If you're clued up on your ufology then you will be well aware of the tales of Skinwalker Ranch. In short, it is a paranormal ...
A video of an alien walking along the side of a road in Hazaribagh, India went viral.
Could this be real or a prank? A video from Jharkhand in eastern India showing an alien walking along the side of a road has ...
Strange mist and anomalies appear in Halloween parade photograph
A reader has reached out to me to share some strange misty photos that he took to see if anyone can help explain what it ...
Horror production company launches a drive-in haunted house
A haunted house company in Japan came up with an unusual way to keep the scares going amid the COVID-19 pandemic: a drive-in haunted house. Kowagarasetai, a ...