Multiple UFO’s seen flying in the skies above Santa Monica
What could these strange bright orbs be that were seen flying in the sky above Santa Monica, Venice, Los Angeles? Greg Ernstrom spotted the objects ...
Guy tweets real life horror ghost story and its rather scary!
Adam Ellis who goes by the name of @MobyDickhead on Twitter starting tweeting about his real life ghost story this week. A ghost child called ...
Unexplained mist filmed at Lizzie Borden House
Reddit user eziligede shared a video on Reddit to try to find an explanation as to what the unexplained mist could be that they filmed ...
A UFO is captured in night vision flying silently through a forest in Canada
UFO hunters Rob Freeman and Marcus McNabb went hunting for UFO'S around Squamish, British Columbia, Canada, and caught a bright orb floating silently through the ...
A ghost crossing the road in Armagh is captured on a dash cam
Could this be a ghost crossing the road and disappearing through a wall and into the grounds of a Cathedral? The footage was apparently recorded ...
Man films poltergeist activity at a South Texas Motel.
Frank Ramirez shared a video on social media of what he believes to be a poltergeist at work in the hotel room that he was ...
Haunted doll makes chair rock on This Morning TV Show
Viewers watching This Morning tv show in the UK were spooked as a possessed doll started to rock the chair it was sitting in live ...
Multiple sightings of a UFO over Cornwall is filmed and shared all over Social Media
A strange UFO has been witnessed and filmed by many people living in and around various areas of Cornwall, UK. The UFO which looks like ...
Silver UFO filmed flying over Leeds, UK
A silver metallic looking UFO has been filmed flying over the sky above Leeds, UK. It was filmed by a local resident. During the clip ...
A chinese man keeps a dead alien in his refrigerator
Yes I'm laughing too just from looking at the picture but I thought I would share anyway A Chinese man called Li has photographed ...