Haunted doll makes chair rock on This Morning TV Show

Viewers watching This Morning tv show in the UK were spooked as a possessed doll started to rock the chair it was sitting in live on air.

Debbie Merrick and her husband brought the doll to the studio to talk about how the doll has tormented them since they bought it.

The couple bought three china dolls for just £5.00 at a second hand shop only to find out one of the dolls was possessed.

Debbie said that her husband had mysterious scratches on his leg and their fire alarm goes off for no reason.

As they there chatting about the doll the rocking chair that the doll was sitting on started to rock on its own.


Many viewers started tweeting asking why the chair was rocking, some viewers were asking whether someone had given the chair a nudge off camera to make the chair rock.

Host Ruth Langsford asked who ever is making the chair rock to stop it.

What do you think?



About Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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