Ghost of Admiral Nelson’s wife is filmed on HMS Victory
Is this the ghost of Admiral Nelson's wife that can be seen in this video? Paranormal investigator Tony Ferguson believes it is. The ...
Indie sci-fi film to bring fans together in alien first contact event
Kansas City - A crowd gathers to watch someone emerge from a downed space craft. Is it an alien? Is it an Elon Musk test ...
US Military films oval shaped UFO that surpasses human technology
NEW video evidence appearing to show US military pilot intercepting a mysterious unidentified flying object has shocked US intelligence officials, who have suggested it points ...
Ghost captured on CCTV at family home
A family who believe they captured a ghost of CCTV say that its proof that their home is haunted. The location of the home is ...
Mother catches creepy whispering during sons tantrum
When Ash Birdy's mother asked how her grandson was doing Ashy decided to filmed her toddler son during a tantrum to show her mother how ...
Paranormal activity captured on live Facebook broadcast
Is this paranormal or someone playing a prank? Two young sisters were broadcasting live over Facebook from their bedroom when suddenly something strange happens. As ...
There have been hundreds of reported UFO sightings over the UK in the past 3 years
There has apparently been close to 400 sightings of aliens and UFO's over the UK in the past three years that have been reported to ...
The story of Carl Edon – The most compelling evidence of reincarnation
Amongst all things paranormal, stories of past life memories and reincarnation have often fascinated me. There have been a number of stories from people who ...
More Ancient Alien artifacts are discovered in a Mexican cave.
Last year we heard about some ancient alien artifacts that had been discovered in a cave in Mexico (you can read about that here) and ...
Man records strange lights in the woods outside his house
A guy has shared videos on YouTube of what looks like a strange light or lights in woods outside his home. The previous day he ...