Ghost moves chair while piano is being played
Paravent, a paranormal event group, recently shared a video on their Facebook group page which shows a spooky incident where a chair in the room ...
Portals to Hell season 2 arrives on Friday the 13th
The son of rock's prince of darkness and the paranormal investigator who specializes in real fear will take a sledgehammer to open Portals to Hell season 2. ...
Security guard hears a child’s voice then spots something on CCTV
This chilling CCTV shows the “ ghost of a child” caught moving in and out of a door in a school after a security guard ...
British X-Files of UFO sightings is going public
The U.K.'s Ministry of Defence will publish secret UFO reports for the first time. From the early 1950s until 2009, a department in the United ...
Cube UFO seen flying at high altitude and filmed by Pilot
An airline pilot has shared bizarre footage of a cube-shaped UFO soaring across the sky. The cockpit view appears to show a metallic object flying at hypersonic ...
Strange flashes in the night sky, vibrations and a humming noise spark talk of a UFO in Ohio
A strange series of color flashes that turned the night sky reddish in Bethel, Ohio, has gotten international attention, as people scramble for a good ...
Fleet of UFOs spotted flying over California
A fleet of UFOs flying in formation were caught on camera flying over California on January 11th. The witness who spotted them on the camera ...
Ghost seen in the window of Lauriston Castle – Edinburgh
Eyebrows have been raised at Lauriston Castle after a man shared a photo of a mysterious figure standing in one of the windows - when ...
The most haunted house in England ‘The Cage’ has finally sold after 12 years
Vanessa Mitchell has owned a two-bedroom house ‘The Cage’ since 2004 and often reported seeing ghosts and other spirits. The ghost and spirits would regularly disturb and ...
Top Paranormal Moments Caught on Camera in 2019
You might be aware of ghost hunters from popular shows on TV. You should know paranormal activities are not a myth. There are people who ...