I spotted and filmed my very own UFO sighting over Newcastle, UK

February 23, 2017

I have been running this blog for a few years now sharing news of the paranormal, UFO’s and also one or two of my own experiences but I have never been lucky enough film my own UFO sighting and share it.

I have seen one or two UFO’s throughout my life but never had the chance to record on any device at the time, but last week I actually spotted a UFO and filmed it!

I have recently move to a new home where I now have a good view through my window. At my old place I was surrounded by other houses on a street where I could hardly see any sky so I rarely bothered to look up, but now with my new view I’m always glancing outside.

I live in north-east England in a place called South Tyneside, and where I live now I can look across the Tyne river to North Tyneside (Newcastle) and see for miles.

On Thursday last week (16th November) I just so happened to look out of the window when a strange ball of light hovering in the sky grabbed my attention. I grabbed my phone and started filming it.

The ball of light looks to be hovering high above a block of flats/apartments but it was further behind them, its hard to get depth perception when its dark. The light stayed there for a while then disappeared. It then reappeared a little later further to the right of its original position.

Around the 1:00 mark in the video a plane can be seen flying towards it and then fly past it. Was the plane checking it out or was it just coincidence it was flying towards it?  We do have Newcastle airport in the north-east.

Around the 3:00 mark the object disappears then reappears around a minute later.

The camera on my phone couldn’t seem to stay focused for some reason, maybe because I was filming through a closed window. And I am usually a one to complain why UFO footage is always fuzzy!

It wasn’t a reflection from inside, I switched all lights to see the thing better. It wasn’t a planet and it isn’t CGI.

This is my video, It would be great to hear what you think it is.  Do you live in the that area and also witnessed the UFO?  Or have I just filmed a Chinese lantern?



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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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