Mass UFO sighting in Vienna is not all it seems

October 28, 2016

A mass UFO sighting which was recently witness over the skies of Vienna was not exactly aliens preparing an invasion.

Social media lit up with videos and pictures of a bright illuminated craft hovering above Vienna, the local media were also inundated with pictures which were being sent in from people who had spotted the UFO.



The UFO was also apparently spotted in other cities in Austria including Graz.

Austrians were that worried that they even called the police.

A lot of comments towards the pictures were very sceptical and suggested it was just a quadcopter or a drone… and it turns out they were correct!

This UFO was actually the work of T-Mobile. It was a marketing campaign by the phone company to promote their new virtual assistant Tinka.


The whole idea is that Tinka was a new superheroine, who appears out of the ruins of a crashed UFO in Marx Hall Vienna, where there was a party being held.

Tinka is an artificial intelligent customer service agent who answers customer questions on the T-Mobile website.

So there you have it.  It wasn’t aliens after all. Vienna is safe for now!

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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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