A Witch Awakens – The Story of Scarlett Gardner
A Witch Awakens is the first book of a trilogy written by ex radio DJ turned author, Sarah Forster. The Book is a thrilling tale ...
A Witch is captured in a photo at the Clootie Well in Scotland
A pair of ghost hunters claim to have captured the spooky image of a witch at one of Scotland's most atmospheric sites. Lee and Linzi ...
The Best Paranormal Movies Since 2000
Paranormal films can capture the imagination like no other genre. Whilst they are certainly not for everyone, a good horror movie can be the perfect ...
A burning witch is filmed taking off and flying away
A family from Mexico say they have filmed a witch engulfed in flames taking off and flying through the air. The footage was shot in ...
Haunted house goes on sale with orbs appearing in estate agent photo’s
One of Britain's most haunted houses known as 'The Cage' has gone on sale with photo's that show spirit orbs of what may be haunting ...
Ghost captured at the Witch’s Temple in the Niddry St Vaults in Edinburgh
Back in March this year I visited Edinburgh and took part in one of the Niddry St Vaults tours in Edinburgh. Although the tour of ...