Tag Archives: weird

Man Claims to Be Time Traveler Who Went to 2365 and Back

Hey Paranormal Globe readers, ApexTV here again! We were recently contacted via email by a man claiming to be a time traveler who visited the year 2365 and came back to tell about it. After speaking with him on Skype, we at ApexTV took a flight to Russia to meet …

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Who is Momo?

Have you heard of ‘Momo’ ? Her appearance is damn right scary! She has two bulging eyes, pale skin, strange face and a very sinister smile. She gives me the creeps! The image of her face is fast becoming infamous to WhatsApp users who are challenged to message an unknown …

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Time Traveller From 2030 Undergoes Hypnosis Session

First off, I wanna thank Paranormal Globe for the opportunity to write this guest post. We are ApexTV, a paranormal YouTube channel with over 600,000 subscribers that is best known for our many interviews with people claiming to be time travelers. We recently interviewed a man named Noah, who claims …

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Ghost captured on snapchat at the Renaissance Hotel.

I was in two minds whether or not to post this. It could be (more than likely) that the face finder app is just seeing the dark light in the corridor, recognising it as eyes, and thinking its detecting a face. However, I will let you decide on whether you …

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Is this the ghost of a child playing with a balloon?

Gail Roberts who is the owner of the Kings Mill pub in Wrexham, UK, believes that this video is proof that a child ghost haunts the pub. The video shows the ghost child playing with a balloon throughout the pub. The balloon was from a birthday party which was being …

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Man records strange lights in the woods outside his house

A guy has shared videos on YouTube of what looks like a strange light or lights in woods outside his home. The previous day he found strange hand prints on his front door which he had no idea of where they could have come from or what animal could have …

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Police in Argentina take photo of an alien in a park

Make of this what you will. Police in Argentina have taken a photo of what they say is an alien wandering around a park. The police visited the park after a group of youths called the police to report seeing a strange creature in the area. When the police arrived …

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