I saw my father’s spirit leave his body
I saw my father’s spirit leave his body when he passed away. Yea, I know. Sounds a little strange. But I really did. My father ...
Dozens of strange lights in the sky above Honolulu
The moon was big and bright Tuesday night as many across the islands looked up to enjoy the night sky. While doing so, some people ...
Evil Among Us – Tales from the Warrens
I am nearly certain that most of you visiting this site have heard of Ed and Lorraine Warren. If you have not I will be ...
Live ghost hunting TV this Halloween
This year to help celebrate Halloween and keep you in the spooky spirit I thought I would help share live TV, YouTube or Internet streams ...
Fright night on A&E channel on October 30th
If you live in the United States and your getting into the Halloween mood early then check out A&E Channel on October 30th for a ...
Fast moving UFO filmed from plane window
This video was shared on Paranormal Curiosity UK's YouTube channel. It shows a fast moving UFO zooming past the planes window with another plane in ...
Watch Live Now – UK Haunted Live Ghost Hunt at The Haunted Museum
UK haunted Live are streaming live now from The Haunted Museum in Nottingham. #UKHauntedLive Next week there will be a one hour special of all ...
UK Haunted Live on Really TV this Sunday
Just a quick post today. If your looking for something paranormal to watch this coming Sunday evening or want to do a spot of armchair ...
Paranormal activity caught on security camera in a UK bar
The owners of a 'Bar and Beyond' bar in the UK got spooked after checking through their security footage to see what had activated their ...
Haunted ventriloquist’s doll blinks and moves its mouth on its own
A man who was given a creepy antique ventriloquist's doll is convinced its haunted after recording footage of it blinking and moving its mouth on ...