Was it a Ghost or Demon at Newsham Park Asylum?
Paranormal investigator John Cartwright (known as CJ) reached out to me recently to share some very interesting photos taken during an investigation at the Newsham ...
Ghost lady caught on camera while filming a self made documentary
This is quite fascinating. DJ Festipaul Sanders was making a self made documentary based on historic buildings that surround Coventry, UK, when he captures what ...
Sci-Fi Mystery Podcast, Cryptids, Joins Forces with Dark Matter TV
Dark Matter TV welcomes Cryptids to the dark side as a visual podcast. If you haven't heard of Cryptids, it is a seven part audio ...
6 Paranormal Movies You must Watch in 2021
Is stress overtaking your life? Do you feel as if you need time to let loose and forget all your problems? As if you need ...
Little Bigfoot played with camper’s car
I haven't been posting much lately but looking to get back to posting regular again. This story caught my attention. I'm not sure what to ...
The Wee-Jees – a true horrifying tale
Recently I was given the opportunity to read a new paranormal horror book by author Bryan Hutchinson call The Wee-Jees The story is a true ...
Former Israeli space security chief says aliens exits but humanity isn’t ready
You most likely have already heard or read about this story recently but I though I would still share. The former head of Israel’s space ...
A man said he saw Robbie Williams on a spaceship when he was abducted by bald aliens
A man who has spent years researching close encounters has claimed he saw singer Robbie Williams aboard a spaceship after being abducted by aliens near ...
Path 11 TV – A new TV network for all your paranormal, self discovery and spiritual awareness needs
Are you on a spiritual path? Are you fascinated by questions of consciousness, the afterlife, UFOs, ghosts, meditation, alternative medicine, paranormal, and mysterious insights? Do ...
Ghost hunters capture the spirit of a merchant’s wife who hanged herself 130 years ago
Ghost hunters believe they may have captured the spirit of a cutlery merchant's wife who is thought to have hanged herself over 130 years ago. ...