Ghost moves chair while piano is being played
Paravent, a paranormal event group, recently shared a video on their Facebook group page which shows a spooky incident where a chair in the room ...
Dog spots shadow figure in doorway
Just a quick post tonight This video was recently shared on Facebook and has generated a lot of interest and over five thousand comments as ...
Paranormal activity captured on live Facebook broadcast
Is this paranormal or someone playing a prank? Two young sisters were broadcasting live over Facebook from their bedroom when suddenly something strange happens. As ...
Watch as a Poltergeist throws a cup and plate towards investigator and house owner
If this is not fake then it is some very good footage of a poltergeist at work. Ian Hawke claims he is being haunted by ...
Ghost doctor filmed in Honduras hospital
This video looks as fake as hell, but I will let you make up your own mind up about it. Apparently a guy working in ...