Tag Archives: facebook

Ghost moves chair while piano is being played

Paravent, a paranormal event group, recently shared a video on their Facebook group page which shows a spooky incident where a chair in the room moves all by itself while a piano is being played. The video was shared by Sharon, member of the Paravent group, who’s daughter was recording …

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Dog spots shadow figure in doorway

Just a quick post tonight This video was recently shared on Facebook and has generated a lot of interest and over five thousand comments as to what it could be . In the video we see the lady talking about her dogs being ready for bed and it being a …

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Paranormal activity captured on live Facebook broadcast

Is this paranormal or someone playing a prank? Two young sisters were broadcasting live over Facebook from their bedroom when suddenly something strange happens. As one of the girls begins to sing the door to their room begins to open on its own accord. The girl who is not singing …

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Ghost doctor filmed in Honduras hospital

This video looks as fake as hell, but I will let you make up your own mind up about it. Apparently a guy working in a Honduras hospital heard strange noises and decided to film where the noises were coming. This is what he caught.. There are rumors that a …

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