UFO filmed flying over Sunderland, UK
There seems to be quite a lot of UFO sightings recently appearing around the world, maybe E.T. is planning an invasion soon! This sighting is ...
Is this an alien craft or a secret military plane?
A group of people apparently witness this UFO flying over New York in broad daylight. Some suggest it is proof of an alien craft while ...
UFO spotted flying over Auckland New Zealand
Just a quick post on this one. A strange UFO has been spotted on film flying over Auckland, New Zealand. The video was shared by ...
NASA release full Apollo mission transcripts which reveal alien sightings
Ever since the first moon landing on July 20th 1969, conspiracy theorists believe that they have seen evidence that UFO's and aliens have either been ...
Dulce residents claim UFO’s and Bigfoot have been spotted in their area
When most people think UFOs and the unexplained in the state they turn to Roswell, but residents of a tiny town in northern New Mexico ...
UFO hovers over house in Scotland
A UFO has been filmed hovering over a house in Scotland. The footage was shot by a teenager and his dad after they spotted the ...
Missing man claims a UFO took him to Durham
Its been a long while since I last posted here. Busy times lately but hopefully I can get back into posting regularly again. This story ...
UFO enters a storm in Brazil
A video which was posted on YouTube by Edma Silver shows what looks like a UFO hovering around a lightning storm before entering it. Edma ...
A triangle UFO is caught on a motorists dashcam
I just came across this video today. It was posted onto secureteam10's YouTube channel who I know are not the most reliable source for "genuine" ...
A fleet of UFO’s over Florida shock witnesses
This video of a fleet of UFO's over Labelle in Florida was captured by Cary Longchamps who uploaded it onto his YouTube channel Anomalous Films You ...