UFO struck by lightning in France
A video of a UFO being struck by lightning then plummeting to the ground has been shared on YouTube. The footage was apparently filmed just ...
Irish Bigfoot is photographed walking through a haunted forest
A dog walker became freaked out when she spotted what looks like a Bigfoot creature in a photo she took while out walking her dog ...
Watch as a little girl is spooked by her doll moving on its own and papers flying off a table
Video footage of a little girl being spooked by ghostly events in a home has emerged and being shared online. The video which seems to ...
UFO causes power black outs over Buckingham Park, UK
On Thursday 5th January, a number of reports were made of a strange bright circular object hovering over the skies of Buckingham Park, UK, which ...
Group of youths film a ghost hanging around a graveyard
A group of youths driving past a cemetery believe they have captured a ghost lurking around a gravestone. The footage appears to show a ghostly ...
Strange pulsating UFO filmed through night vision over Norway
A man from Norway was out filming the night sky through his night vision camera with his son a few days ago when they spotted ...
UFO spotted over Random Island
A Canadian man has photographed what looks like a UFO over Random Island in Clarenville, Newfoundland, Canada. Chad Haines said he had never believed in ...
Weird creature photographed during a full moon
Every so often weird and unexplained creatures appear on photographs that those taken the photo didn't see at the time. Just recently a one of ...
A UFO is photographed spraying green chemicals over homes
Looking like something from an alien invasion movie, a UFO has been photographed spraying green chemicals into the air. The sighting happened in Huntington Beach, ...
White orb filmed at the former Russian gulag on CCTV cameras
CCTV cameras at the former Russian gulag where thousands of Josef Stalin's victims died have recorded an orb floating through the corridor. The ball of ...