Was it a Ghost or Demon at Newsham Park Asylum?
Paranormal investigator John Cartwright (known as CJ) reached out to me recently to share some very interesting photos taken during an investigation at the Newsham ...
Ghost lady caught on camera while filming a self made documentary
This is quite fascinating. DJ Festipaul Sanders was making a self made documentary based on historic buildings that surround Coventry, UK, when he captures what ...
Ghost hunter believes he caught a ghost at Knowlton Church in Dorset
A Paranormal investigator believes to have caught evidence of ghostly activity at a Dorset church. Jeff Higgins, 52, part of New Forest Paranormal Investigators, was visiting Knowlton ...
Ghost hunters capture the spirit of a merchant’s wife who hanged herself 130 years ago
Ghost hunters believe they may have captured the spirit of a cutlery merchant's wife who is thought to have hanged herself over 130 years ago. ...
Watch Live – The Worlds Largest Séance
UK Haunted are live with the 'Worlds Largest Live Streamed Séance'. Streaming live on Really TV Facebook Join Eammon Vann-Harris, Alex Duggan and Miki York ...
Live Halloween night video streams
Happy Halloween!. If you are looking for some live Halloween video streams to keep you in a spooky mood then check out the streams below. ...
UK Haunted to host the World’s Largest Séance
Halloween is almost upon us and this Halloween weekend Really Channel are teaming up with British paranormal team 'UK Haunted' in an attempt to set ...
Strange mist and anomalies appear in Halloween parade photograph
A reader has reached out to me to share some strange misty photos that he took to see if anyone can help explain what it ...
Photo taken of a ghost at an abandoned Scottish hut
A photographer has posted an unbelievable pic of what appears to be a ghostly face looking out of an abandoned stone hut near an old Scottish cemetery in Largs. ...
A Witch is captured in a photo at the Clootie Well in Scotland
A pair of ghost hunters claim to have captured the spooky image of a witch at one of Scotland's most atmospheric sites. Lee and Linzi ...