The most haunted house in Britain opens it’s doors
I've heard and read a good few things about this house in Hull, UK ,recently. The house has been dubbed Britain's most haunted house and ...
Ghost is photographed at Torquay Museum
Paranormal experts investigating the Egyptian room at Torquay Museum believe they have photographed a ghost of a veiled woman. Five members of Silent Voices paranormal ...
Poltergeist caught on CCTV throwing hookah pipes off a table
This is something interesting that was caught on CCTV camera in a Moscow bar. Is it real or fake? The footage was captured ...
Ghost hunters capture paranormal activity at the Clay County Historical Museum
A team of ghost hunters have captured on camera what looks like paranormal activity at the Clay County Historical Museum in Kansas USA. The Northland ...
Are these the legs of a ghost child at a Lancashire pub?
Landlords of the Craven Heifer pub in Lancashire UK were shocked when they noticed this pair of ghostly legs in the photograph they had taken of their ...
Did the ghost of Chateau Rhianfa attend a Murder Mystery Night?
A photograph which was taken at a Murder Mystery Night at the Chateau Rhianfa Hotel in North Wales seems to have captured a ghostly figure. ...
You can now submit your own posts!
You can now submit your own posts to appear on Do you want to share a story, share some news of the paranormal or ...
Parapyschologists prove a home is haunted
A man living in Bothell, Washington, who is convinced his home is haunted by poltergeists who throw over furniture, set fire to bibles and throw ...
Photo of an angel is causing a stir on Facebook
Its been a while since I last posted anything on here. I had been busy leading up to and over the Christmas period with personal ...
Help offered to the Loche family who have been terrorised by ghosts in their home
The Loche family living in Grimsby, UK, have been offered the help they need after their pleads were heard to rid their house of unwanted ...