Ghost Adventures Quarantine – A 4 part event from Zak’s Haunted Museum
Beginning Thursday, June 11th at 9pm EST, Travel Channel is inviting you to lock down with Zak Bagans for the unique new four-part miniseries “Ghost Adventures: Quarantine.” Additionally, Bagans has announced that ...
Watch UK Haunted Live tonight from The Pirates Graveyard
Tonight UK Haunted are broadcasting a live social distancing ghost hunt via their Facebook page. They are investigating The Pirates Graveyard. If you want to ...
Haunted The Truth
If you are looking for some new paranormal entertainment then check out Haunted The Truth YouTube Channel Haunted The Truth are a non profit paranormal ...
The real life Conjuring House will be streaming live for one week
The real house behind the film The Conjuring is going to be live-streamed for one week starting on Saturday 9th May. The Conjuring house became ...
Did Ghost Adventures really see the Old Hag in the mirror?
If you have watched last weeks episode of Ghost Adventures 'Industrial District of the Damned' where the GA team investigate an old building in Utah ...
Watch live Ghost Cams at Accrington – UK
Hello World, how is everyone doing? Its been a while since my last post on here. It's a very surreal time around the world right ...
Ghost moves chair while piano is being played
Paravent, a paranormal event group, recently shared a video on their Facebook group page which shows a spooky incident where a chair in the room ...
Security guard hears a child’s voice then spots something on CCTV
This chilling CCTV shows the “ ghost of a child” caught moving in and out of a door in a school after a security guard ...
Ghost seen in the window of Lauriston Castle – Edinburgh
Eyebrows have been raised at Lauriston Castle after a man shared a photo of a mysterious figure standing in one of the windows - when ...
The most haunted house in England ‘The Cage’ has finally sold after 12 years
Vanessa Mitchell has owned a two-bedroom house ‘The Cage’ since 2004 and often reported seeing ghosts and other spirits. The ghost and spirits would regularly disturb and ...