Signs of extraterrestrial activity found in Tutankhamun’s tomb!
Signs of "extraterrestrial activity" has been discovered in Tutankhamun's tomb according to the Antiquities Ministry of Egypt. The announcement was made on Friday by the ...
A UFO landed in Las Vegas
A UFO has been filmed landing in Las Vegas, Nevada. If this is real then this must be one of the better 'UFO's caught on ...
You can now submit your own posts!
You can now submit your own posts to appear on Do you want to share a story, share some news of the paranormal or ...
Was this skier being watched by aliens?
A skier who was filming himself using a Go Pro camera on a selfie stick believes he might have captured a mysterious cigar-shaped UFO hovering ...
Fighter jets chase UFO over Buglaria
Many eye witnesses have said they saw two fighter jets chasing a UFO over the skies in Bulgaria. The sighting was posted onto the Portal ...
Aliens may have paid us a visit says Hillary Clinton
According to C|Net Hillary Clinton has suggested that Aliens have already paid us a visit. Here is what they had to say: If you thought ...
Black Knight Decoded
Pepsi (yes the drink company) have created a short film about the Black Knight Satellite. Called "Black Knight Decoded", the film follows the journey of ...
Triangular UFO megastructure caught on nightvision camera over Melbourne
This looks quite interesting. A UFO described as an "alien megastructure" has been caught on a night vision camera while looking at the stars over ...
Have aliens carved their faces into cliffs on Mars?
NASA continues to release incredible images from the Mars curiosity Rover. With every photo released, UFO and alien hunters seem to spot something strange on ...
Huge UFO caught hovering over Manipur, India….. Call Will Smith!
Look out! Aliens may be planning an invasion of Earth as a huge see-through UFO has been spotted hover over Manipur, India. Some boys from ...