The question of whether or not we are alone in the universe has been answered… Maybe!
Does this photograph prove that we are not alone in the universe and aliens do exist? ...I will let you make up your own ...
The Pope has proof of alien life, according to leaked email
Wikileaks have just released around 2,000 emails with one email maybe suggesting that the Vatican has evidence of extraterrestrial life. Astronaut Edgar D Mitchell who was ...
Does this 18th century book cover prove UFOs visited Earth 300 years ago?
The Latin text, a treatise on Mathematics published in 1716, appears to show a flying saucer emerging from the sky. An 18th century book has ...
A blue alien is seen walking the streets in Peru
During the early hours of Monday 22nd August a strange-looking creature, glowing blue, with several legs and less than a meter in height was seen ...
In 1964 Alien EBE-3 was interviewed at Area 51. This is the footage.
This alien interview footage was apparently obtained by a man who only identifies himself as "Victor". Project Blue Book subject named "EBE-3" was apparently held ...
Area 51 Revelation : Ex-Soldier Reveals Experiments Involving Mass Alien Abduction
Area 51 is possibly the most secretive and heavily guarded place on earth. And that is most likely the reason why it remains one of ...
Is this an alien craft or a secret military plane?
A group of people apparently witness this UFO flying over New York in broad daylight. Some suggest it is proof of an alien craft while ...
NASA release full Apollo mission transcripts which reveal alien sightings
Ever since the first moon landing on July 20th 1969, conspiracy theorists believe that they have seen evidence that UFO's and aliens have either been ...
Man spots mysterious figure stalking him after looking through old photos
ONE man's holiday snaps from years past may have revealed something truly terrifying. Selfies taken a moment apart show a tourist photographing his reflection on ...
Dulce residents claim UFO’s and Bigfoot have been spotted in their area
When most people think UFOs and the unexplained in the state they turn to Roswell, but residents of a tiny town in northern New Mexico ...