Dear David viral ghost story is being made into a movie
You have most probably heard about the 'Dear David' ghost story over the past year. I have posted a few articles on here about it ...
Ghost filmed on Police Station surveillance camera in Trstenik, Serbia
Just a short post for this one. Make of it what you will, the quality is very poor. The story behind this footage is that ...
Pentagon confirms that a warship UFO encounter was not of this world
A PENTAGON report confirms two US warships and fighter jets encountered a UFO which matched up with “no known aircraft or air vehicle” in the ...
New footage of a UFO over Area 51
There has been a lot of videos over the years which shows strange lights and UFO's flying around and above Area 51, Nevada, US. This ...
Security camera records a man disappearing through a window
Is this real or fake? This video footage has been shared on Facebook and is said to be from a security camera from a residential ...
Shopworker films paranormal activity in a Mexico store
A woman who works in a store in Mexico got so fed up with not being believed about the paranormal events she was regular witnessing ...
Ghost of a Knight riding a horse is captured on drone footage
It's a little strange that yesterday I posted about the top ten haunted castles around the world and today I get news of footage showing ...
Ten of the Most Haunted Castles in the World
What is it about castles that seems so numinous? Castles just naturally seem to be a little bit otherworldly and filled with spirits. Perhaps part ...
Would you stay the night in the ‘most haunted’ room on the Queen Mary?
Ever wanted to be brave and spend the night in the most haunted room on the Queen Mary? ..well now you can For the first ...