The ghost of the old lady who haunts a family home is captured on camera

A family who recently moved into a new house in Sheffield UK, believe that the old lady who used to live in their house but died 18 months ago is haunting them and they have a photo to prove it.

Luke Jackson is currently staying at his brother Tom and his wife Alice’s home and took this photo from the top of the staircase, he claims it shows the old lady trying to open their kitchen door.

He told the Daily Mirror that one night in the early hours of November 13th, he was finding it hard to sleep so he decided to get up for a cigarette.

He could hear footsteps downstairs so he used the light on his phone to see what was down there.

He said he was left stunned after taking the photo to see a ghostly figure of an old woman wearing a purple cardigan stood at the bottom of his stairs and is convinced it’s the old lady who used to live in the house.

Luke Jackson

He said “I just can’t explain it. This baffles me. The whole thing was just too perfect.

“If I’m being honest this thing has completely stumped me. I just don’t know what it is and the only explanation is that it’s a ghost.

“It’s almost like photographing the ‘Loch Ness Monster’ in its entirety – it’s the photo of a ghost that you never expect to have.

“You sometimes have bits of the thing, arms and legs, but never a whole photo of the entire thing. This photo is almost ‘too perfect’.”

“We have talked about this woman before.

“She had mobility problems apparently – problems with going downstairs.

“Alice (brothers wife) said to me that since she’s had the property she’s heard banging and footsteps. The banging especially was coming from the stairs.

“I think the old woman who lived here died 18 months ago. I think it’s probably about 18 months since she passed.”

Bottom of staircase of where the photo was taken

He added “It must have been about 2.30 am in the morning. I was just sat up planning a landscaping job through in my head.

“I just started hearing footsteps and it was like there was something there. I was just like ‘that’s definitely footsteps’ – and I used my phone as a flashlight by taking a photo. That’s when I captured it.

“I was just nipping downstairs to go for a smoke. I’d been looking on the usual websites like B&Q and I just wanted to go outside for a break. I heard the steps and I got my phone out to shine some light.

“When I looked back at the shot that figure had just appeared. It’s completely baffled me.”

He says he has taken the clearest picture of a ghost he has ever seen.

What do you think.  Is this genuine or fake?



About Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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