Amazing footage of a ghost opening a window in a haunted cottage

If this footage is genuine then it has to be up there with one of the best ghosts caught on camera footage ever recorded.

Andrew Ward who lives in Melbourn, Cambridgeshire, UK, was convinced that his 400 year old cottage was haunted that he set up a camera over night to try to capture something paranormal.

He told the Mirror that he would close his windows before going to bed but always woke up to one window being wide open.

He set up a camera to try to capture a window being opened. This is what he recorded.

Pretty incredible!

Andrew said: “It’s definitely a ghost – it’s really spooky. I knew there was a ghost here and I was determined to prove it.

“The two nights before it happened there was just nothing there but I was sure that one night I was just going to be lucky.

“It could be a ghost ‘stepping in’ to my house. Every night it seems to be the windows. I always close them but some nights I wake up and they’re wide open.

“Sometimes the blinds go up aswell. It’s all a bit strange why it should happen. It must be a ghost because I’ve got no other explanation as to what it is.

“I remember waking up that morning last week feeling cold and the window was open even though I had left it closed.

“I always know the ghost has been as soon as I wake up because it’s very very cold and I just know that’s a result of the window being open.

After showing the footage with friends and family one suggested he should put a crucifix on the wall.

The cottage is apparently well-known in the village with years of rumours of it being haunted.

Andrew said: “We live next to an old church in this part of Melbourn – it’s a very well-known cottage and the whole area has quite a spooky presence about it.

“We’ve had the property since the 1980s and we’ve had some tenants saying it’s so spooky they can’t live there.

“There was an old woman who lived in the house before we got the property – she died there – but I’m not sure that has anything to do with the ghost.

“My brother used to stay here years ago, before I moved in to live here. He said that when he was sleeping in bed here it felt like something was ‘pushing down’ on top of him – pushing down on his chest.

“He reported other things too. Like, for example, he noticed movements.

“He noticed things going bump in the night – the house made noises but when he went to check there was never anything there.

“He said he could hear what sounded like footsteps climbing the stairs and, after hearing things, he’d find the window open the next day.

“His cat would never want to go upstairs so I thought perhaps it was a haunted presence up there.”

To see if he could capture any other paranormal activity,  Andrew left the camera recording over a few nights.

He said “I left the camera on a few times overnight.

“I got the idea to just leave it rolling each night last week – three nights later and that’s happened – I can’t explain it.

“I’ve had a lot of interest. I’ve had a lot of people asking me ‘is your house really haunted?’

“I set up the camera and put it on overnight record to decisively prove that it was a spirit.

“I just can’t explain it – none of it makes any sense – so it’s definitely a ghost.

“I’m going to keep investigating to see what happens next – I’m sure this place is haunted.”

What do you make of it?

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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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