Multiple UFO’s seen flying in the skies above Santa Monica

What could these strange bright orbs be that were seen flying in the sky above Santa Monica, Venice, Los Angeles?

Greg Ernstrom spotted the objects on the 10th August and started filming them. He then uploaded the video to YouTube to try to find an explanation.

He first thought there were balloons or lanterns but after looking at the objects through binoculars he realised they looked more like smoke rings with twinkle lights in the smoke.

Greg explains “I first noticed these things in the sky while walking out to my car around 6:50pm.

“There were a dozen or so, high up, and looked to be moving like balloons or lanterns. Living close to the beach and the Pier, I see a lot of balloons and lanterns so I’m familiar with them.

“Anyway, I ignored them at first because I was in a hurry to move my car. By the time I finished (around 7:00) and walked back down the path the numbers of them in the sky increased by another couple dozen – AND there were a number of them quite low to the ground.

“At this point I thought: Advertising stunt of some kind (we get those a lot in LA too).

“It wasn’t until I got back to my door that I saw a whole “fleet” of them coming in on what looked like a flight path (disclosure: we are close-ish to LAX and the Santa Monica Airport and I’m familiar with the flight paths – you’ll see a number of planes in the video). As if they were coming from the upper atmosphere (over the Pacific) and down towards Pico Blvd essentially. At this point I thought “skydivers” or “flares”… and went inside and grabbed my binocs.

“When I looked through the binocs (I have two pair, one with a stabilizer one with extra magnification) I expected to see lanterns, flares, balloons, or even drones or skydivers. Instead what I saw were sparkling rings of smoke that had some shape and apparent structure, but they spun like tops in the sky as they moved.

“They almost had a jellyfish type body that seemed to pulse and was translucent.

“Once I pulled out the binocs and saw this, four “zoomers” (what I called them) buzzed down from the sky (above the palm tree in the long shots for reference) and skimmed above the roof of the building directly in front of me (only a couple hundred feet in altitude).

“They were silent, and moved incredibly fast (way too fast, as you’ll see) to be a lantern or balloons – and then they climbed in elevation after buzzing the roof.

“I was alone, though my neighbor saw it as well. I should have gotten more people outside to be honest. Mistake on my part. But these clips in the video are broken up because I was going back and forth between filming and watching through the binocs.

“I stated this in the video, but will say it again, this video does NOT do justice to how many of them there were in the sky. It was a constant flow, on a “flight path” seemingly of these things for 30 minutes or longer. It lasted a long time, and had to be seen by more than me.

I slowed some of the clips down at the end, the one zoomer I got and another slow motion vid of how they move in the sky (you’ll see it tumbling @ the 1:51-1:57 mark).

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About the Author: Paranormal Globe - Paul

Paul, owner of Paranormal Globe. I have always found the paranormal interesting and fascinating. I am sharing and writing about all things paranormal. Read more in the about page.

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