Couple are photobombed by a cross-dressing ghost at a restaurant
A couple visiting New Orleans took a selfie while they were dining at a restaurant but when they got home and looked through their photos they noticed something quite spooky behind them.
Ian Wrin and April Russ were dining at Tujague’s, the second oldest restaurant in New Orleans. It is said to be haunted by a number of ghosts. One of these ghosts is supposedly of a man called Julian Eltinge who used to like dressing up as a woman.
Did Ian and April catch Julian Eltinge on camera when they took this photo?
Julian Eltinge was a famous actor of the stage and screen and also had is own cosmetic line. He was a cross-dresser whose alter ego was Vesta Tilley.
It’s reported that he frequently dined at Begue’s Restaurant, which later changed to Tujague’s. A signed photo of Eltinge hung on the wall of the restaurant since 1917 before being removed and put in the attic by current owner Mark Latter in 2013 after some renovations.
Author and Radio host of Louisiana Eats, Poppy Tooker said: “Ian and April were dining here and they took a selfie, when they got home and looked through the photographs, they noticed something hovering over the diners behind them, with a glowing orb and thought…what is that?!”
There are no doors or windows in the Begue Room which could cause a reflection.
“That’s Julian Eltinge! That’s Tujague’s cross-dressing ghost,” Tooker said.
Ian posted his photo to Tujague’s Facebook page and that’s when the owner contacted Poppy Tooker who was busy working on a book about the restaurant.
Tooker said “I said, ‘Mark, get the photo from out of the attic and hang it back on the wall! The ghost is angry and wants to be back in the room”
The owner re-hung the photo of Julian Eltinge back on the wall.
Tooker explained “Ever since the photo went back up, the cross-dressing ghost is at peace”
Is this the ghost of Julian Eltinge? It does look quite similar to the photo.